Top 5 Reasons I Need To Clean My Place

1 min read

Top 5 Reasons I Need To Clean My Place

Clothes on the floor, dirt and dust everywhere, mold crawling up the walls, ants storming the kitchen, termites feasting through the walls, my place is falling apart and that’s why it needs to be cleaned. Although, I’m not sure cleaning is the only answer at this point. I might just need to move and let mother nature take over this place. It’s as good as lost.

However, that doesn’t mean you need to give up and move out in shame. You can still get your life turned around. You can clean up that place of yours and live a quality life in a quality home. You don’t need to follow my example. You can do better. So much better.

Sometimes, all you need is a boost, a push, a thrust, a kick in the pants, a choke to the edge, a tip toe on the wall then losing your balance only to recover before falling. People need those in life, otherwise they don’t get anything done.

Speaking of, here are some reasons to clean your place, 5 of them.

Top 5 Reasons I Need To Clean My Place:

But being lazy is sooooo easy.

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