The Toyota Century Seen On The Streets

2 min read

There are a few cars in this world that are extremely special. Some of these cars we will never even know about, while others are so rare that you would have to be in the right country or city at the exact right time to catch a glimpse. These cars are highly valued and very special.

While walking down the street one day, coming back from the market with a fresh bag of dried pickle skins, I wrenched my head from its usual downward position so I could see a bit of the sky. When I did that I noticed something unique. Something very unique. Something extremely unique. Something I heard was only in one location in the USA, and was nowhere near me. Something that I really only knew much about because I had worked for the company.

I saw a Toyota Century on the road.

Yes. A real Toyota Century.

Why am I so blown away by this? Because the only place I had ever heard about them being in the US was in Dallas, Texas, to drive the top Toyota executives from the airport to the company campus. This car is an ultra, ultra high end luxury car for the richest. In the 20 years that the second gen (this one) was made they didn’t even make 10,000 of them. I have seen so many cars on the road here, but this is probably the third that I didn’t a double take on. The first two being the real original Batmobile at Barris Kustom Industries (where it was made and stored at the time) on a flatbed and when I saw the Ferrari F40 being loaded into a Ferrari repair shop. Now there’s this one.

Apparently my head turning double takes might start to become more common. It sounds like the reason I saw the Toyota Century on the road is because the very first ones have made it past the import waiting period of 25 years. So, maybe it’s not going to be as special of a sight as it is right now, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a very unique car to see on the road.

To whoever is driving it, I hope you’re enjoying it!

Want more information about the Toyota Century?
Check out this article and factory tour from AutoWeek and this video review of a 1990 Toyota Century’s quirks and features from Doug DeMuro.

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