Top 5 Alien Inspired Sex Toys (NSFW)

1 min read

It’s not like I made this video to be seen on this site or anything, so why should I have control over where it’s played? That’s just dangerous. It’s far more save for the world that a corporation whose number one priority is expanding profits at any and all times is in charge. After all, they know so much better than you or I. We’re just a bunch of simpletons that barely understand how this works. So much less important than the MBA holders that only count numbers and live in cookie cutter neighborhoods because they have no idea what creativity even means. The losers.

Anyway, if you’re curious enough to want to watch this video, check it on on YouTube.

Yep, I’m doing when no site ever wants you to do, suggesting you go elsewhere and leave my site. Oh well, that’s what the people at YouTube have decided it best.

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