Driving in Los Angeles Advice For Tourists, Complaints for Arizonan’s

2 min read

Arizona Tailgater

A lot of tourists visit Los Angeles, each one with their own driving style. Some even try to “adapt” and end up driving worse than anyone else on the road. However, when it comes to cars with Arizona license plates there are two types of drivers.

Number One: They drive really slow. Slower than you can handle slow. I don’t have this on video because I drive too fast to catch them.

Number Two: They drive right up on your ass. Tailgating the entire way. Cutting off people and pulling all around dick moves.

I’m not throwing these accusations out baselessly, I’m not saying EVERY Arizona driver does this. I have a friend from AZ and he’s a fine driver. A touch aggressive, but better than these jabronis.

Anyway, I wanted to bring notice to this problem we have in LA. Not just the AZ drivers, but the visiting drivers as a whole.

We’re not aggressive in Los Angeles, we’re impatient. Yes we honk, yes we drive fast, yes we can be dicks about it. However, we all know the roads and what to expect from it. We spend so much time on these things that it can drive a person crazy… well, sometimes it does. Anyway, we are nothing to mimic until you’ve been here long enough to understand it. Until then, drive safely and with traffic. If you miss your exit or street, don’t stop your fucking car to figure it out. Just take the next one, pull over where you can, and get your directions figured out.

OK, so that’s my rant. Deal with it.

Here’s an Arizona driver tailgating:

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