Center Lane Mix Up

1 min read

Don’t you hate it when you jump in the center lane, cruise along for a while (because your turn is coming up at some point) and suddenly someone going the other direction gets in your way? I know I do.

I know they might want to turn, and sure, I might be in their turn lane. But all they have to do is wait a little bit and I’ll be out of their way. I mean, I’m a pretty important person, I’m also better than you, and that’s why you should wait for me. I’ve never really had to wait, or even ask for much in life. It’s just kind of been there. Since I’m used to that style of living you should adjust yourself to accommodate me.

When you don’t stop what you’re doing and stop for me you cause problems like this:

Don’t be a jerk. Just let me go. My turn is coming up.

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