Driving in Los Angeles is like participating in a grand urban obstacle course where the traffic lights have their own stand-up comedy routines. You’ve got the classic “Yellow Light Dash” – do you speed up and channel your inner Vin Diesel or slam on the brakes and prepare for a mini heart attack? And let’s not forget the elusive turn signal – a mystical device rumored to exist but rarely witnessed in action. Navigating the freeway feels like playing a never-ending game of “Merge or Mirage,” where blinkers are merely decorative and tailgating is a competitive sport. And then there’s the special thrill of deciphering Google Maps’ sudden bursts of indecision: “In 1000 feet, maybe turn left? No, wait, right. Recalculating!” So, tighten your seatbelt, folks, because in the City of Angels, every drive is an audition for the next action-comedy blockbuster.
How To Drive in Los Angeles Vol. 6