You need to chill out. Just because people like me can afford 10 luxury cars, doesn’t mean there’s anything unfair about the world. As with everything, I earned these. I’ve worked hard since I was a kid to afford these things. It’s not like they just popped into my garages. Shoot, that’s not possible anyway. I would have to deliver them to the house first, then I could put them in the garage. I’m not a magician and no magician I’ve hired was able to do that level of magic, anyway.
Back to what I was saying, while you were out eating avocado toast, I was working my ass off for my first million. Every day I had to wake up by 9am AT LATEST, get to the office by 10am AT LATEST, and work my butt off all day. I climbed the ladder quickly, not because my dad was at the top, but because I was driven to get there. Sure, he was the one who pulled the trigger on my promotions, got my me salary (not much, low 200k’s a year), created a division for me to lead, and even loaned me some money here and there. But that was all he did. The rest was up to me. The work. The dedication. The early mornings and late nights. That was all me. Have you ever skipped a reservation (yes, a reservation, not like a walk in) at a restaurant so you could take a call with your boss? No? Because I have. I had to explain to the host that I would miss it. My assistant wasn’t available to do it, so it was all on me. Not cool. Not fair. But I didn’t complain. It’s a part of my life that I have to deal with. I am, however, stronger because of it. Those challenges are what create the character we need to thrive. That is why I am where I am. That is why I am who I am.
Now for the real show, here’s a look at a few cars from my personal collection. Maybe it will inspire you to finally work hard:

If you want some advice on how to enrich your life, simply create wealth. Use that wealth to invest. Use your investments to live. It’s that easy.
See you at the next Bilderberg meeting.