How To Drive in Los Angeles Vol 10

1 min read

We’re back again and things don’t seem to have changed. Jerks are still jerking. Meanies are still meanying. Idiots are still driving slower than you. Maniacs are still driving faster. It’s the way of the world and nothing seems to be doing anything to change it. Even though driving is the most dangerous thing we call do on a daily basis.

Whatever, it’s not like I can do much to fix it. I honk, yell, give the finger, even get out of the car and threaten people, but not positive changes seem to be coming. I don’t know why, but I’m not going to stop. I’ll continue to loudly explain to people how what they’re doing is wrong and that it needs to stop. They will understand one day.

Volume 10 of How To Drive in Los Angeles:

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