Broken Taco Truck Creates Fake Traffic Jam

2 min read

Isn’t traffic the worst thing in the world? Sitting behind someone, who’s sitting behind someone, who’s sitting behind someone… it goes on and on. Here in Los Angeles the city doesn’t seem to mind, after all, it seems as though every single light in the city is planned to go red after the one leading up to it goes green. I don’t know about the rest of you, but for those of us that live in this smog riddled city, watching cars move from one red light to another is kind of angering.

I’m not going to be able to fix the cities traffic today, so I’ll leave that one alone for now. However, what I do have for you is a great example of how we drivers in L.A. expect the worst. When this taco truck broke down in the center lane, just before the turn lane, other drivers (who couldn’t see around) immediately thought the line started that far back. So, like good people that don’t want to ruin other peoples day, they got behind the truck and waited to turn.

Here’s the video:

I bet there’s a metaphor for life in here somewhere, but I’m not going to think to hard about it.

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